Helping my grandfather find a new home
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Helping my grandfather find a new home

My grandfather has dementia and is finding it hard to live by himself, particularly since my grandmother has passed away. It looks like she had been doing a lot of the care for him in the house, and since she's passed away, the house is getting messier and less safe. We want to know that he is safe and being looked after all the time, so we are placing him in a nursing home. I think the process can be quite hard for families, but seeing your grandparents happy and healthy in the right environment is a good feeling. This blog is about choosing a nursing home.


Helping my grandfather find a new home

Seniors and Elderly Parents: Practical Preparation Tips for Providing Aged Care at Home

Carrie Peters

Providing aged care in your home can be a challenging undertaking. However, this situation is unavoidable under certain circumstances. For instance, your aging parents might not be ready to move into a care facility, or you might not have sufficient funds for assisted living. If this is your case, you should make early and comprehensive preparations for this major change. Here are some practical tips to help you plan for home caregiving for your parent or other beloved seniors.

Consider Making Home Modifications

You should think about making some changes in your house design before your elderly loved one moves into the home. There are numerous hazards in a standard residential building which can result in the injury of a senior citizen. You should identify these problems and make changes to accommodate a physically challenged individual. For example, you might want to consider eliminating the raised threshold at the doors. This change will allow smooth movement and use of wheelchairs.

You should add some safety features to your bathroom. Often, aged people sustain serious injuries in this space because of the wet floors. You can install grab bars to provide support and prevent slippage and subsequent harm. You should also consider having a raised toilet for easy access. Door handles and switches can be troublesome in some cases, particularly if the elderly individual is in a wheelchair. So, you should look for more reachable alternatives. 

Know the Level of Care Needed

You should make an objective evaluation of the level of care required for your elderly loved one. Poor evaluation can cause unexpected problems in the long run. If you overestimate the amount of care needed, you will spend more time and resources on unnecessary tasks. These efforts could be redirected to a greater need. On the other hand, if you provide less care than needed, you might cause harm to your aged parent. Where possible, you should engage an aged care professional to provide appropriate guidance for your circumstances. 

Obtain Additional Help

Caring for a senior citizen can be time-consuming and expensive as well as mentally and physically demanding. If you are not cautious, you could cause harm to yourself. Therefore, you should be realistic about your capabilities and find someone to help you handle the tasks. You can reach out to family members such as siblings to contribute to the care. You should also think about getting a part-time caregiver or enrolling your elderly loved one into an adult daycare program. 
